Payroll software - An intro
Payroll software that comes as a part of Smart HRMS is a tool to manage the supplementary, increment process, F&F settlement, payroll process seamlessly for their employees..
The most important activity that your organisation performs is the employee payroll. Money transaction is to be performed with utmost importance. The organisation has to make sure that the payroll process is accurate, secure and efficient.
Supplementary Process
Supplementary Setting
The number of months after which the supplementary salary has to be credited can be set in payroll software. This helps the user to organise the payment of supplementary salary easily in our payroll management system.
Update LOP
Loss of Pay (LOP) for the supplementary period can be updated in the payroll software of smart HRMS.
Supplementary Payout
Payouts to employees for the served supplementary period can be initiated in payroll software.

Payroll Input
Import Payroll Inputs
The HR user can upload any payroll input data manually in payroll software using excel. The Payroll management system of Smart HRMS imports the data to the database.
Mark Temporary employee
In payroll software, you can mark temporary employees for whom the payroll won’t be processed as they are in a supplementary period.
Read Leave data
The employee attendance details can be automatically read by the payroll software from any other hardware devices like bio-metrics, manual excel sheets etc.
Carry forwards
Any payroll inputs from the previous month can be carried forwarded to the next month in a single click.
Category wise Process
Special formulas and conditions can be used for processing salary based for each category.
Process Payroll
Payroll Remainder
A reminder can be set for any special request that has been raised for the employee remuneration. This pops up for the HR user when processing the payroll.
Import payroll data
Payroll data that has been prepared manually in an excel sheet can also be imported to payroll software for further payroll processing.
Auto Loan Deduction
Employee Loan payments can be deducted automatically for employees when the employee is processed.
Payroll Lock
If an organisation wishes to lock the payroll for any number of employees, the payroll software of smart hrms has an option to lock it for the set period, later the lock can be reverted.
Formulas and conditions
Formula and conditions can be added for any new or existing payroll input in payroll software.

Loan Management
Loan Eligibility
Policies for employees can be set for loan eligibility. This option only lets the employee who is eligible apply for loans.
Loan Creation
A loan request for the employee can be raised with this option. It’s an easy process for the employee and the management to track loan requests.
Loan details Import
Any previous history of employee loans can be imported into Payroll software with an excel sheet.
Loan Tracking
Repayments made by an employee for the loan amount can be tracked with payroll software.
Loan Foreclose
If the employee wants to foreclose a loan, the payroll software of smart HRMS lets the employee close the loan by calculating the foreclose amount.
Loan Ledger Report
The loan history of employees can be viewed as a report by the HR user.
Increment Process
Increment / Promotion
Respective managers can request increment and promotion for the employees which will be approved by their reporting managers in the payroll software.
Direct Increment Entry
The HR user can also approve the increment request made by the manager for an employee directly from payroll software.
Increment data Import
The HR user can manually import bulk data to the payroll software with a simple excel format.
Auto Update
The incremented CTC will automatically reflect in the employee module and salary data.

Full & Final Settlement
Process for Single Employee
Respective managers can request increment and promotion for the team members which can further be approved by the management.
Bulk F&F Process
The HR user can also approve the increment request made by the manager for an employee directly with payroll software.
Graduity & Loan Calculations
The HR user can manually import bulk data to the payroll software with a simple excel format.
Experience Letter
The incremented CTC will automatically reflect in the employee module and salary data within the payroll software.